“…This is the case when E2 is given alone or in conjunction with progesterone (P 4). Interestingly, plasma levels o f total androgens have been measured in sex ually receptive females and are typically 8-10 times higher than E ; levels [28],In the majority o f female mammals investigated in the labo ratory, the expression o f sexual behavior is dependent on the presence o f appropriate external and internal conditions, typi cally including sufficient circulating and brain concentrations of ovarian steroids [13,14, 31, 38], In most species, ovariectomy eliminates sexual behavior, while hormone replacement studies have shown that E?, in some species acting synergistically with P4, reinstates sexual behavior to normal levels [2,13, 39], In the few species where sexual behavior persists after ovariectomy, steroids secreted by the adrenal gland may play an important role in the activation o f sexual behavior. In these species, andro gens either in addition to, or in place of, estrogens may regulate the expression o f female sexual behavior [1,12,21, 33].…”