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Documents in EconStor mayWe focus here on trading strategies as it has become obvious that the simplified notion of perfectly rational behaviour and the derived buy-&-hold strategy reflect only part of the fund managers' world. The efficient market paradigm has been challenged by findings that momentum and contrarian strategies which neglect any fundamental information can be profitable, even after consideration of risk premiums. We do not know, however: how important are these trading strategies for fund managers? In which way are they applied and do users share common characteristics? Finally, does real-world application indicate rational behaviour? This study for the first time provides survey evidence on these questions, complementing and extending studies based on transactions data. It finds that all of these strategies are typically used in a complementary manner. In the same instance, the users of momentum, contrarian and buy-&-hold strategies tend to be characterised by specific attributes. It appears that the implementation of all of these strategies -as revealed by the questionnaire evidence -may be difficult to reconcile with efficient markets.Recent empirical research has lent considerable credibility to trading strategies We find that most fund managers rely on all three strategies to some degree, indicating that proponents of certain exclusive trading strategies are rare. However, most professionals have clear preferences regarding these strategies, which can be 1 Note that the evidence on other trading "strategies", such as relying on so-called head-andshoulder rules, may be less favourable (e.g. Lucke, 2003). 2 The fact of lacking satisfactory performance applies to German funds as well (Kempf and Griese, 2003). 4 related to personal characteristics, information sources and behavioural patterns. 3 We find these determinants of trading strategies in univariate and multivariate ap-proaches. It appears from our data that all three predetermined trading strategies The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the hypotheses to be tested by the questionnaire and Section 3 describes the data from the questionnaire. Results on the use of trading strategies are presented in Section 4, and Section 5 covers information on attributes and beliefs of the users of certain strategies. Section 6 conc...