Xeutral beam (NI), ion cyclotron resonance (ICRH) and lower hybrid resonance (LIIKV) heating on ASDEX are discussed with regard to their effect on plasma confinement. Comparison of SI and ICRH shows that the L and H-regimes are universal confinenent nodes of auxiliary-heated tokamak plasmas (i.e. independent of the heating nethod), and that the edge electron temperature (or a related parameter) dictates which mode prevails. In this connection it is noted that carbonization of the vessel walls impedes transition to the H-mode in the case of SI heating. Studies of energy confinement in the intermediate regime from ohmic to SI heating reveal a gradual transition from ohnic (-se) to neutral injection L-mode (-I) scaling. At the same tine a renarkable invariance of electron tenperature profile shape with increasing heating power is observed. Changing the XI power deposition profiles fron central to off-axis leaves gross energy confinement tines unchanged while central confinement is substantially inproved. Detailed investigations of the O-linit confirn the relation &$ [ %] = 2.8 I/(a B) [HA*n-l*T-l]. They show that the &limit is independent of heating method (NI, ICRH) and confinenent regine (L or H), but strongly dependent on the current density profile. indirect evidence suggests ballooning (and possibly surface kink) nodes to be responsible for the limitation in plasma pressure. LH heating and current drive show improved energy confinement (conpared to OH) at low densities (necl -2 x 1013 ~n -~, suprathermal electrons), but a degradation in confinement at higher densities.