Due to its importance for electrolyzers
or metal–air batteries
for energy conversion or storage, there is huge interest in the development
of high-performance materials for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER).
Theoretical investigations have aided the search for active material
motifs through the construction of volcano plots for the kinetically
sluggish OER, which involves the transfer of four proton–electron
pairs to form a single oxygen molecule. The theory-driven volcano
approach has gained unprecedented popularity in the catalysis and
energy communities, largely due to its simplicity, as adsorption free
energies can be used to approximate the electrocatalytic activity
by heuristic descriptors.
In the last two decades, the binding-energy-based
volcano method
has witnessed a renaissance with special concepts being developed
to incorporate missing factors into the analysis. To this end, this
Account summarizes and discusses the different generations of volcano
plots for the example of the OER. While first-generation methods relied
on the assessment of the thermodynamic information for the OER reaction
intermediates by means of scaling relations, the second and third
generations developed strategies to include overpotential and kinetic
effects into the analysis of activity trends. Finally, the fourth
generation of volcano approaches allowed the incorporation of various
mechanistic pathways into the volcano methodology, thus paving the
path toward data- and mechanistic-driven volcano plots in electrocatalysis.
Although the concept of volcano plots has been significantly expanded
in recent years, further research activities are discussed by challenging
one of the main paradigms of the volcano concept. To date, the evaluation
of activity trends relies on the assumption of proton-coupled electron
transfer steps (CPET), even though there is experimental evidence
of sequential proton–electron transfer (SPET) steps. While
the computational assessment of SPET for solid-state electrodes is
ambitious, it is strongly suggested to comprehend their importance
in energy conversion and storage processes, including the OER. This
can be achieved by knowledge transfer from homogeneous to heterogeneous
electrocatalysis and by focusing on the material class of single-atom
catalysts in which the active center is well defined. The derived
concept of how to analyze the importance of SPET for mechanistic pathways
in the OER over solid-state electrodes could further shape our understanding
of the proton–electron transfer steps at electrified solid/liquid
interfaces, which is crucial for further progress toward sustainable
energy and climate neutrality.