This work numerically investigates the effects of turbulators at the air and fuel (methane) inlets on the thermal behavior of a combustion chamber. Conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy, gaseous chemical species, soot, and temperature fluctuation variance in cylindrical axysimmetric coordinates were solved using the finite volume method. Chemical reaction rates were computed through the Arrhenius-Magnussen model, with two-step combustion reaction. The turbulence closure model, to compute the turbulent viscosity, was the standard κ-ε. The modeling of turbulence-radiation interactions (TRI) considered the absorption coefficient-temperature correlation and the temperature self-correlation. The radiative heat source was calculated using the discrete ordinates method, considering the weighted-sum-of-gray-gases (WSGG) model with the superposition method to compute the radiation from the gaseous species and soot. The effect of inlet turbulators was studied by varying the turbulence intensity of both inlet streams (air and fuel), encompassing mild to severe turbulators (TI = 3%, 6%, 15%, 20%). The results showed that temperature and radiative heat source fields, and heat transfer rates on the chamber wall and radiative fraction were importantly affected by the different turbulators intensities (e.g. radiative fraction was increased from 20.6% to 32.8% when the turbulence intensity was varied from 3% to 20%). Comparisons of results obtained when TRI modeling was neglected in relation to results obtained when TRI modeling was computed showed that TRI influenced the thermal field (temperature and radiative exchange) in a similar way independently of the turbulator intensity (e.g. radiative fraction decreased 20% when TRI modeling was neglected, for both turbulators intensities).