We consider a stochastic recurrence equation of the form Zn+1 = An+1Zn + Bn+1, where E[log A1] < 0, E[log + B1] < ∞ and {(An, Bn)} n∈N is an i.i.d. sequence of positive random vectors. The stationary distribution of this Markov chain can be represented as the distribution of the random variable Z ∞ n=0 Bn+1 n k=1 A k . Such random variables can be found in the analysis of probabilistic algorithms or financial mathematics, where Z would be called a stochastic perpetuity. If one interprets − log An as the interest rate at time n, then Z is the present value of a bond that generates Bn unit of money at each time point n. We are interested in estimating the probability of the rare event {Z > x}, when x is large; we provide a consistent simulation estimator using state-dependent importance sampling for the case, where log A1 is heavy-tailed and the so-called Cramér condition is not satisfied. Our algorithm leads to an estimator for P (Z > x). We show that under natural conditions, our estimator is strongly efficient. Furthermore, we extend our method to the case, where {Zn} n∈N is defined via the recursive formula Zn+1 = Ψn+1(Zn) and {Ψn} n∈N is a sequence of i.i.d. random Lipschitz functions.