Background: Social workers have a key role in needs assessment meetings with families dealing with dementia, providing information, support, and advocacy, while also assessing needs and making decisions about care services for several parties. These contacts are especially important during the introduction of home care services, where often the person has previously relied on informal support from relatives. The needs assessment process entails the involvement of all present parties, with the aim to reach a mutual agreement, a working alliance, regarding which services to apply for. Purpose: The aim of this case study is to explore how the participants, by means of different conversational practices, jointly create a working alliance between the different parties in one family. The study provides insights into the process of co-constructing a working alliance in the needs assessment process for elder care services. Methods: This article addresses the process by which social workers build a working alliance in a multi-party conversation with a family living with cognitive decline; a meeting that lasted 50 min. In this case study, we benefit from an inductive and detailed conversation analytic methodology. The theoretical framework of working alliances in institutional interaction has informed the analysis. Results: The findings illustrate how the social worker in this case study involves all parties in the decision regarding care services and explores the use of the conversational practices of mitigations, positive framing, adding information, and positioning, as a “we” achieve mutual agreement toward the end of several sequences. Conclusions: Drawing on the results of this case study, we argue that multi-party interaction involving relatives enables diversity in role-taking, where the professional, for instance, can pursue a more empathic role. Also, our results indicate that minimal agreement to a proposal is sufficient in a multi-party interaction involving clients with cognitive decline.