The functional understanding of metabolic changes requires both a significant investigation into metabolic pathways, as enabled by global metabolomics and lipidomics approaches, and the comprehensive and accurate exploration of specific key pathways. To answer this pivotal challenge, we propose an optimized approach, which combines an efficient sample preparation, aiming to reduce the variability, with a biphasic extraction method, where both the aqueous and organic phases of the same sample are used for mass spectrometry analyses. We demonstrated that this double extraction protocol allows working with one single sample without decreasing the metabolome and lipidome coverage. It enables the targeted analysis of 40 polar metabolites and 82 lipids, together with the absolute quantification of 32 polar metabolites, providing comprehensive coverage and quantitative measurement of the metabolites involved in central carbon energy pathways. With this method, we evidenced modulations of several lipids, amino acids, and energy metabolites in HepaRG cells exposed to fenofibrate, a model hepatic toxicant, and metabolic modulator. This new protocol is particularly relevant for experiments involving limited amounts of biological material and for functional metabolic explorations and is thus of particular interest for studies aiming to decipher the effects and modes of action of metabolic disrupting compounds.