Resin molecules play a crucial role in the stability
of colloidal
asphaltene particles in petroleum reservoirs. De-stabilization of
the asphaltene/resin interaction due to changes in thermodynamic parameters
can cause asphaltene precipitation, thus leading to petroleum field
problems such as decreased in situ permeability, as well as severe
plugging problems in production facilities. One remedial technology
used in the oil industry involves developing synthetic resins with
enhanced chemical potential to increase the stability of asphaltene
in the oil phase. However, accurately predicting what synthetic resin
structures are compatible with asphaltenes in this context can be
difficult and ineffective. Here, we introduce a method that enhances
the stability of colloidal asphaltene in petroleum fluid by increasing
the concentrations of natural-state oil resins and increases reservoir
oil recovery by increasing the oil’s aromatic power solvency.
The stability of colloidal asphaltene and improvements in oil reservoir
recovery were investigated by using an oil prefractionation process
and a solvent deasphalting technology based on the residuum oil supercritical
extraction process to develop three types of deasphalted oils derived
from Kuwait Marrat oil. Using these methods, we found that resin concentration
by volume in Marrat oil increased with the removal of more oil fractions.
Asphaltene stability in the oil phase was strongly influenced by resin
concentration. The deasphalted oils’ aromatic power solvency
increased the oil reservoir permeability by twofold. No formation
damage was observed for all DAO products in core flooding tests.