Immature teratoma of the ovary is an uncommon tumor, comprising of <1% of teratomas of ovary. 1 In contrast to the mature cystic teratoma, which occurs in reproductive age group, the immature teratoma occurs most commonly in first two decades of life. Immature teratomas are composed of tissue derived from the three germ layers and contain immature and embryonal structure. Immature teratoma grows rapidly, penetrates its capsule, and forms adhesion to surrounding structure. It metastasizes first to para aortic and pelvic lymph node and later to lung, liver, and other organ. Excision of tumors is often followed by local recurrence, usually within first year of primary therapy.Here, we present a case of immature teratoma that presented with isolated liver metastasis and was confirmed in FNAC from the liver as metastasis of mature elements.A 26-year female pregnant patient was referred to the department of gynecology in September 2009 at eighth month of gestation with left adenexal mass detected on ultrasonography. No other mass lesion was identified in other organs. Patient was subsequently managed with elective lower uterine cesarian section with the removal of left ovarian mass. Grossly, the tumor was well encapsulated. Cut surface showed solid as well as small cystic areas of maximum size 5-mm diameter. Histological sections showed a neoplasm composed of an admixture of mature and immature teratomatous elements. The immature elements were mainly in the form of neuroectodermal rosettes and tubules (Fig. 1). Rosettes were lined by small round basophilic cells with high-mitotic activity. Mature element was mainly composed of respiratory and intestinal epithelium. No other germ-cell components were identified despite extensive sampling. Based on histological findings and amount of immature element, diagnosis of immature teratoma grade 2 was given. Based on the diagnosis, patient was treated with postoperative chemotherapy with six cycles of bleomycin, etopoxide, and cisplatin (BEP) regimens.Three months after completion of chemotherapy, patient on follow-up presented with dull aching pain in right hypochondrium. On CT scan, single large subcapsular mass having fat density was identified in the segments 7 and 8 of right lobe of liver measuring 10 3 9.5 3 7.8 cm (Fig. 2). On ultrasonography examination, the lesion showed heterogeneous intensity with predominantly solid areas. Standard FNAC procedure was performed under ultrasonography guidance. Three passes were taken from different areas of the lesion. The cytological diagnosis of metastatic teratoma with mature elements was given in FNAC.
Cytologic FindingsFNA stained by the May-Grunwald-Giemsa, hematoxyline and eosin, and papanicolaou method revealed cellular smears composed of multiple clusters and single cells admixed with chodro-myxoid stromal fragments (Fig. 3). The cell clusters exhibited abundant nuclear overlap, thereby producing a three-dimensional appearance. The cells were large, round to oval with abundant pale vacuolated cytoplasm, and round monomorphic n...