Abstract. Highly connected and yet sparse graphs (such as expanders or graphs of high treewidth) are fundamental, widely applicable, and extensively studied combinatorial objects. We initiate the study of such highly connected graphs that are, in addition, geometric spanners. We define a property of spanners called robustness. Informally, when one removes a few vertices from a robust spanner, this harms only a small number of other vertices. We show that robust spanners must have a superlinear number of edges, even in one dimension. On the positive side, we give constructions, for any dimension, of robust spanners with a near-linear number of edges.Key words. spanners, stretch-factor, spanning-ratio, treewidth, connectivity, expansion AMS subject classifications. 68M10, 05C10, 65D18 DOI. 10.1137/1208744731. Introduction. The cost of building a network, such as a computer network or a network of roads, is closely related to the number of edges in the underlying graph that models this network. This gives rise to the requirement that this graph be sparse. However, sparseness typically has to be counterbalanced with other desirable graph (that is, network design) properties such as reliability and efficiency.The classical notion of graph connectivity provides some guarantee of reliability. In particular, an r-connected graph remains connected as long as fewer than r vertices are removed. However, these graphs are not sparse for large values of r; an r-connected graph with n vertices has at least rn/2 edges.For many applications, disconnecting a small number of nodes from the network is an inconvenience for the nodes that are disconnected but has little effect on the rest of the network. In contrast, disconnecting a large part (say, a constant fraction) of the network from the rest is catastrophic. For example, it may be tolerable that the failure of one network component cuts off internet access for the residents of a small village. However, the failure of a single component that eliminates all communications between North America and Europe would be disastrous.This global notion of connectivity is captured in graph theory by expanders and graphs of high treewidth, each of which can have a linear number of edges. These two properties of graphs have an enormous number of applications and have been the subject of intensive research for decades. See, for example, the book by Kloks [30] or the surveys by Bodlaender [11,12] on treewidth and the survey by Hoory, Linial, and Wigderson [27] on expanders.In this paper, we consider how to combine this global notion of connectivity with another desirable property of geometric graphs: low spanning ratio (a.k.a., low stretch factor or low dilation), the property of approximately preserving Euclidean distances