High-power inductors are fundamental components in high-power DC–DC converters, with their performance being a crucial metric of converter efficiency. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of a novel calculation method for the air gap length in such inductors. Taking into account the effects of air gap diffusion and the winding magnetic field, an expression for the air gap diffusion radius is derived, focusing on a distributed air gap structure. Furthermore, models for calculating the air gap and winding reluctance are developed, grounded in electromagnetic field theory. An equivalent magnetic circuit model, formulated based on Kirchhoff's second law, facilitates the proposed method for air gap length calculation. This study also involves the development of 3D models for both discrete and decoupled integrated inductors. The comparison between simulation outcomes and calculated air gap lengths indicates a maximum error of less than 8%, with the minimum error being as low as − 0.79%. Compared with traditional methods, the calculation method proposed in this paper has significant advantages. Additionally, the discrepancy between calculated values and experimental measurements is found to be 1.11%. These results validate the accuracy and applicability of the theoretical analysis and calculation method, underscoring their significance in the design and optimization of high-power DC–DC converters.