A description of the original CLIC two-beam scheme is given in [1]. The overall layout of the 1 TeV machine is shown in Fig.1. The main linac consists of normal conducting travelling wave accelerating structures operating at a frequency of 30 GHz and a gradient of 80 MV/m. One in ten of these sections have an asymmetric geometry and act as microwave quadrupoles for BNS damping. For multi-bunch operation damped and/or detuned structures would be required. The 30 GHz RF power is supplied by transfer structures which extract energy from a 3 GeV high-intensity electron drive linac running parallel to the main linac in the same tunnel. The transfer structure consists of a 11.5 mm diameter circular beam tube coupled through two diametrically-opposite ≈5mm wide slots to two periodicallyloaded rectangular waveguides. Each 50 cm long section produces two simultaneous 11.6 ns long 44.6 MW power pulses which drive two accelerating structures. This output power corresponds to 95% of the energy extracted from the beam. Two full-length (84 cell) constant impedance undamped accelerating section have been tested to an average accelerating gradient of 94 MV/m without any signs of breakdown and the periodically-loaded output waveguides of a full-length transfer structure have withstood 60 MW of 30 GHz RF power without breakdown but the structure itself has not yet been tested with a bunched beam Prototype diamond machined discs with the asymmetric geometry required for microwave quadrupole sections have been successfully produced by industry, and studies of damped structures for multibunch operation are underway. High gradient tests have also been made at SLAC on a 26-cell CERN-built X-band section [2]. Average accelerating gradients of 125 MV/m (a peak surface field of 285 MV/m) were obtained after 10 7 shots at 60 Hz with a pulse length of 150 ns. After conditioning, the dark current was 2µA at 50 MV/m and 150µA at 80 MV/m.