“…The surface of the specimen, as well as the spontaneously formed oxide film (i.e., TiO 2 ) of the titanium alloy, would not be very flat. [ 47 ] Therefore, the thickness of the oxide film ( d film ) formed on selective laser‐melted Ti6Al4V–5Cu alloy and forged TC4 specimens can be calculated by [ 47 ] : where ε, ε 0 , A , and C eff denote the permittivity of vacuum (i.e., 8.85 × 10 −14 F/m), the dielectric constant of the oxide (e,g., TiO 2 is 60 [ 48 ] ), the effective surface area (m 2 ), and the effective capacitance, that is, the CPE value from EIS fitting result. The calculated thickness of the oxide film formed on the selective laser‐melted Ti6Al4V–5Cu alloy and forged TC4 specimens was estimated to be 0.162 and 0.123 nm, respectively.…”