We consider the problem of designing fundamental graph algorithms on the model of Massive Parallel Computation (MPC). The input to the problem is an undirected graph G with n vertices and m edges, and with D being the maximum diameter of any connected component in G. We consider the MPC with low local space, allowing each machine to store only Θ(n δ ) words for an arbitrarily constant δ > 0, and with linear global space (which is equal to the number of machines times the local space available), that is, with optimal utilization.In a recent breakthrough, Andoni et al. (FOCS'18) and Behnezhad et al. (FOCS'19) designed parallel randomized algorithms that in O(log D + log log n) rounds on an MPC with low local space determine all connected components of an input graph, improving upon the classic bound of O(log n) derived from earlier works on PRAM algorithms.In this paper, we show that asymptotically identical bounds can be also achieved for deterministic algorithms: we present a deterministic MPC low local space algorithm that in O(log D + log log n) rounds determines all connected components of the input graph.