The K O TO experiment is the E14 at J-PARC, designed to discover K L → π 0 νν events based on the KEK-PS E391a experiment. The CP-violation parameter, η, can be determined from the branching ratio of K L → π 0 νν with 1 − 2 % theoretical uncertainty and it is highly sensitive to the TeV-scale new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). In order to achieve the SM sensitivity, an improvement of three orders of magnitude is needed for K O TO, compared to E391a. We aim to discover K L → π 0 νν events in 3 years from 2011, using high intensity beam at J-PARC to increase the number of K L , constructing new beamline to suppress halo neutrons, and upgrading the E391a detector to suppress backgrounds based on the E391a experience.
KAON International ConferenceJune 09 -12, 2009 Tsukuba, Japan * Speaker.c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence. PoS(KAON09)047The K O TO experiment is the E14 [1] at J-PARC which is a high intensity proton accelerator complex at Tokai in Japan and the K O TO is an abbreviation of "K0 at Tokai". The collaboration is based on KEK-PS E391a [2] collaboration and aim to discover K L → π 0 νν events in three years from 2011 with a similar method used in the E391a experiment.
Motivation ofThere are mainly two motivations for the search of K L → π 0 νν. First, the process, K L → π 0 νν, is a direct CP-violating process and the branching ratio is proportional to the square of the η which is one of the Wolfenstein parameters deciding the imaginary component in the CKM matrix. The CP-violating parameter, η, can be determined through the measurement of the branching ratio, where theoretical uncertainty is 1 − 2% [3] in the Standard Model (SM) framework. Second, it is a rare flavor-changing neutral current and highly suppressed in the SM, where the branching ration was calculated to be (2.49 ± 0.39) × 10 −11 [4]. The branching ratio is very sensitive to the new physics beyond the SM and there are plenty rooms for such new physics [7] below the current limit, 1.46 × 10 −9 [6] at 90% confidence level (CL). We have a chance to reach such TeV-scale new physics through K L → π 0 νν.
Current situation forThe current theoretical limit, 1.46 × 10 −9 [6] at 90% CL (Grossman-Nir bound [5]), was obtained indirectly with both the isospin symmetry and the measured branching ratio of K + → π + νν at BNL E797/E949, which is 1.73 +1.15 −1.05 × 10 −10 [6]. The direct limit was obtained by E391a, which is 6.7 × 10 −8 [2] at 90% CL 1 with no events left after all the final cuts.
Concept of the K O TO experimentThe K O TO experiment adopts the same concept with the E391a experiment. The beamline and detector concepts are written as follows.
BeamlineThe K L s are generated from proton hits on a target, where many other particles are produced at the same time. Short-lived particles are vanished within a long beamline to the detector. Charged particles are swept out by a magnet. Photons are reduced with a Pb absorber, keeping t...