We consider the problem of extracting randomness from sumset sources, a general class of weak sources introduced by Chattopadhyay and Li (STOC, 2016). An (n, k, C)-sumset source X is a distribution on {0, 1} n of the form X1 +X2 +. . .+XC, where Xi's are independent sources on n bits with min-entropy at least k. Prior extractors either required the number of sources C to be a large constant or the min-entropy k to be at least 0.51n.As our main result, we construct an explicit extractor for sumset sources in the setting of C = 2 for min-entropy poly(log n) and polynomially small error. We can further improve the min-entropy requirement to (log n) • (log log n) 1+o(1) at the expense of worse error parameter of our extractor. We find applications of our sumset extractor for extracting randomness from other well-studied models of weak sources such as affine sources, small-space sources, and interleaved sources.Interestingly, it is unknown if a random function is an extractor for sumset sources. We use techniques from additive combinatorics to show that it is a disperser, and further prove that an affine extractor works for an interesting subclass of sumset sources which informally corresponds to the "low doubling" case (i.e., the support of X1 + X2 is not much larger than 2 k ). * Supported by NSF CAREER award 2045576 1 Supp(X) denotes the support of X. We use log to denote the base-2 logarithm in the rest of this paper.Definition 1.1. Let X be a family of distribution over {0, 1} n . We say a deterministic function Ext : {0, 1} n → {0, 1} m is a deterministic extractor for X with error ε if for every distribution X ∈ X ,We say Ext is explicit if Ext is computable by a polynomial-time algorithm.The most well-studied deterministic extractors are multi-source extractors, which assume that the extractor is given C independent (n, k)-sources X 1 , X 2 , . . . , X C . This model was first introduced by Chor and Goldreich [CG88]. They constructed explicit two-source extractors with error 2 −Ω(n) for entropy 0.51n, and proved that there exists a two-source extractor for entropy k = O(log(n)) with error 2 −Ω(k) . Significant progress was made by Chattopadhyay and Zuckerman [CZ19], who showed how to construct an extractor for two sources with entropy k = polylog(n), after a long line of successful work on independent source extractors (see the references in [CZ19]). The output length was later improved to Ω(k) by Li [Li16]. Furthermore, Ben-Aroya, Doron and Ta-Shma [BDT19] showed how to improve the entropy requirement to O(log 1+o(1) (n)) for constant error and 1-bit output. The entropy requirement was further improved in subsequent works [Coh17, Li17], and the state-of-the-art result is by Li [Li19], which requireslog log log(n) ). For a more elaborate discussion, see the survey by Chattopadhyay [Cha20]. Apart from independent sources, many other classes of sources have been studied for deterministic extraction. We briefly introduce some examples here. A well-studied class is oblivious bit-fixing sources [CGH + 85, GRS06, KZ...