We report experimental evidence for the formation of C 5 -hydroperoxyaldehydes (HPALDs) from 1,6-H-shift isomerizations in peroxy radicals formed from the hydroxyl radical (OH) oxidation of 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene (isoprene). At 295 K, the isomerization rate of isoprene peroxy radicals ðISO 2 Þ relative to the rate of reaction of ISO 2 þ HO 2 is k 295 isom k 295 ISO 2 þHO 2 ¼ ð1:2 AE 0:6Þ Â 10 8 mol cm À3 , or k 295 isom C 0.002 s À1 . The temperature dependence of this rate was determined through experiments conducted at 295, 310 and 318 K and is well described by k isom ðTÞ k ISO 2 þHO 2 ðTÞ ¼ 2:0  10 21 expðÀ9000=TÞ mol cm À3 . The overall uncertainty in the isomerization rate (relative to k ISO 2 þHO 2 ) is estimated to be 50%. Peroxy radicals from the oxidation of the fully deuterated isoprene analog isomerize at a rate B15 times slower than non-deuterated isoprene. The fraction of isoprene peroxy radicals reacting by 1,6-H-shift isomerization is estimated to be 8-11% globally, with values up to 20% in tropical regions.Approximately 500 Tg of isoprene (C 5 H 8 ) originating primarily from plants is released to Earth's atmosphere each year. 1 The oxidation of isoprene in the atmosphere is primarily initiated by reaction with hydroxyl radicals (OH). The bulk of this reaction proceeds through addition of the OH to one of the two external olefinic carbon atoms. In the presence of oxygen, six different peroxy radicals (collectively ISO 2 ) are formed from reaction with O 2 (R1).In nearly all chemical mechanisms used to describe atmospheric photochemistry, the subsequent fate of ISO 2 is determined by reaction with either NO (R2a and R2b) or HO 2 (R3).where NY = nitrate yield.This representation is consistent with a wealth of laboratory studies of the reactivity of peroxy radicals. Such studies have typically been performed with sufficient concentrations of NO or HO 2 that the lifetimes of the peroxy radicals are very short-often less than 0.1 s. For vast regions of the atmosphere (including most of the tropics), however, the peroxy radicals are estimated to live for 10's of seconds before finding a reactive partner in either NO or HO 2 (e.g., for observed NO and HO 2 levels over Amazonia, 2 ISO 2 lifetime with respect to R2a-R3 is calculated to be 30-60 s). A number of recent analyses have cast doubt on the traditional representation of peroxy radical chemistry (R2a-R3). In particular, motivated by the inability to explain measured concentrations of OH in regions with elevated levels of biogenically-derived hydrocarbons, 2-6 investigators have hypothesized that the peroxy radicals of the dominant VOC, isoprene, may not follow the traditional reactive pathways. Most recently, Peeters et al. 7 and da Silva et al. 8 have estimated from quantum mechanical calculations that intramolecular hydrogen transfer reactions of the isoprene peroxy radicals (R4) may diminish the impact of isoprene oxidation on HO x concentrations.Here, we report product yields in the oxidation of isoprene and its fully deuterated analog by OH ...