This article aims to ensure continuity between classical methods of ul-traviolet microscopy or/and micromanipulation using ultraviolet mi-crobeam and lens-less ultraviolet microscopy and microbeam exposure of cells and tissues. Considering the history of the development of the method and the possibility of working with different methods of mechanical scanning, the authors propose to use mirror galvanometers and an electromechanical scanning system in the mechanical engineering of lensless microbeam installations. These installations make it possible to provide both scanning with an ultraviolet microbeam to obtain a line scan image, and precision micromanipulation at the level of individual cells or individual organelles (in the case of large cells). We propose to extrapolate mathematical models previously developed for galvanic mirrors of light-beam oscilloscopes for microbeam scanning systems, position-sensitive micromanipulation, and real-time microphotometric cell analysis.