The composition of Dark Matter (DM) remains an important open question. The current data do not distinguish between single-and multi-component DM, while in theory constructions it is often assumed that DM is composed of a single field. In this work, we study a hidden sector which naturally entails multicomponent DM consisting of spin-1 and spin-0 states. This UV complete set-up is based on SU(3) hidden gauge symmetry with the minimal scalar field content to break it spontaneously. The presence of multiple DM components is a result of a residual Z 2 × Z 2 symmetry which is part of an unbroken global U(1) × Z 2 inherent in the Yang-Mills systems. We find that the model exhibits various parametric regimes with drastically different DM detection prospects. In particular, we find that the direct detection cross section is much suppressed in large regions of parameter space as long as the Standard Model Higgs mixes predominantly with a single scalar from the hidden sector. The resulting scattering rate is often beyond the level of sensitivity of XENON1T, while still being consistent with the thermal WIMP paradigm.