We describe the construction and performance of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) capable of taking maps of the tunneling density of states with sub-atomic spatial resolution at dilution refrigerator temperatures and high (14 T) magnetic fields. The fully ultra-high vacuum system features visual access to a two-sample microscope stage at the end of a bottom-loading dilution refrigerator, which facilitates the transfer of in situ prepared tips and samples. The two-sample stage enables location of the best area of the sample under study and extends the experiment lifetime. The successful thermal anchoring of the microscope, described in detail, is confirmed through a base temperature reading of 20 mK, along with a measured electron temperature of 250 mK. Atomically-resolved images, along with complementary vibration measurements, are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the vibration isolation scheme in this instrument. Finally, we demonstrate that the microscope is capable of the same level of performance as typical machines with more modest refrigeration by measuring spectroscopic maps at base temperature both at zero field and in an applied magnetic field.PACS numbers: 07.79.Cz,07.79.Fc Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), since its development almost 30 years ago, has become a powerful technique in condensed matter physics, providing not only structural information about surfaces, but also spectroscopic measurements of the electronic density of states at the atomic length scale. However, most instruments operate at temperatures above 1 K, limiting access to exotic electronic phases and quantum effects expected at lower temperatures, which are studied as a matter of routine by other techniques. Generally, very little spectroscopic information about the electronic density of states is known at dilution refrigerator temperatures, usually being limited to what can be learned using either point contact spectroscopy or planar tunnel junctions. Moreover, STM can make such measurements on the atomic length scale, allowing it to probe systems, such as single spins and atomic chains, which are not directly accessible any other way.While the integration of STM with a dilution refrigerator can be conceptually reduced to simply attaching the microscope to the end of a mixing chamber in lieu of some other cryogenic refrigerator, the technical requirements for sub-Angstrom positioning of an STM tip above an atomically clean surface are often at odds with those for cooling a sample to milli-Kelvin temperatures. For example, when attaching the microscope to the refrigerator, the former would favor the use of a soft mechanical joint using springs, which would isolate vibrations, while a) Electronic mail: yazdani@princeton.edu the latter would favor the use of a rigid mechanical joint with a metal rod, which would provide a strong thermal contact. Nevertheless, a number of STM instruments have been developed that cool the sample using a dilution refrigerator 1-8 . However, among these, few feature ultra-high vacuum (UHV...