An improved method for the elcctrode-mcdiated oxidations of olefins by palladium(I1) is dcscribed. Current efficiencies from 80% to 95% werc obtained in oxidations of I-dcccnc, styrene, tt.trtls-2-octcne, and cyclohexene in which pcrchloric acid was added to a chloride-free solution of a palladiun~(I1) acctate catalyst. The palladiunl(0) was reoxidized to palladium(I1) by reaction with catalytic amounts of benzoquinone, which was, in turn, regenerated by anodic oxidation. Addition of varying amounts of pcrchloric acid did not affect the current efficiency but accelerated the oxidation reaction, up to a concentration of approximately 0. I5 M. Thc current efficiency remained high (>80%) over the course of the electrode-mediated oxidations of I-decene, trcltls-2-octcne, and cyclohexenc. At thc end of the reactions. when the substrate was depleted, a drastic dccrease in the current was observed, indicating that the catalytic cycle leading to product was primarily responsible for the electrochemical reaction. It also was shown that the rates of the electrochemical reactions were generally slower than those of homogeneous reactions in which a stoichiometric amount of benzoquinone was used, indicating that the elcctroche~nical regeneration of benzoquinonc was mass transport limited at the highest concentrations of pcrchloric acid. This is in contrast to othcr rcports in the literature that suggested that the homogencous (non-electrochemic:~l) reactions were actually slower. Reasons for the discrepancy betwccn thesc results arc discussed. pour I'ensemble des oxydations assistees par une Clcctrode. A la fin de reactions, lorsqu'il ne reste plus de substrat, on observe une dra~natique diminution du courant qui indique que le cycle catalytique conduisant au produit est le principal responsable de la rtaction Clectrochimique. On a montrC que la vitesse des reactions electrochimiq~~es est g&n&ralement plus lentc que les reactions homogenes dans lesquelles on utilise unc quantitd stocchiornttrique de benzoquinone; ceci i n d i q~~e que, 5 des concentrations ClevCes d'acide perchlorique, la rCgCndration clectrochi~nique de la benzoquinonc est li~nittc par un transport de Iiiasse. Cctte situation est en opposition avcc d'autrcs rapports parus dans la littkrature qui suggeraient que Ics reactions homogiines (non-Clectrocliin~iq~~es) sont clc fait plus Icntcs. On discute des raisons pouvant expliquer ccs diff6rcnces.[Traduit par la redaction]