The distance vector-hop (DV-hop) is a typical localization algorithm. It estimates sensor nodes location through detecting the hop count between nodes. To enhance the positional precision, the weight is used to estimate position, and the conventional wisdom is that the more hop counts are, the smaller value of weight will be. However, there has been no clear mathematical model among positioning error, hop count, and weight. This paper constructs a mathematical model between the weights and hops and analyzes the convergence of this model. Finally, the genetic algorithm is used to solve this mathematical weighted DV-hop (MW-GADV-hop) positioning model, the simulation results illustrate that the model construction is logical, and the positioning error of the model converges to 1/4R. Keywords DV-hop Á Convergence analyses Á Genetic algorithm (GA) Á Positional precision Á Mathematical weight model Communicated by V. Loia.