FrIIDoM provides an intelligent solution for automatic configuration in modular display systems. Modular displays are displays that consist of small, identical modules. There are a number of ways they can be used: removing the limitation in multiplexability in passive matrix (PM) displays, increasing brightness in PMOLED displays, reducing power consumption in bistable displays, creating large-scale displays or displays with variable size and shape. For the modules to work together as one display, some initial configuration is required. FrIIdoM consists of four different drivers, with rising levels of complexity, each with their own way of automating the configuration. The simplest systems just make sure that every module is capable of receiving specific image data, irrespective of the shape of the display. The more complex systems are capable of detecting the presence and location of each module, thus detecting the shape of the display. In the created GUI, the user sees a real-time view of the display configuration, even when modules are added or removed while the display is running. While FrIIDoM is equipped with the drivers to drive a PM LED display, they can be easily changed to incorporate other types of display technologies. Several test modules were created, and we were able to build and successfully drive random display creations.