The anthracycline-DNA complex, which is a potent agent for cancer chemotherapy, has a unique intercalating molecular structure with preference to the GC bases of DNA, as shown by Rich's group in studies of single-crystal x-ray diffraction. Understanding cytotoxicity and its photoenhancement requires the unraveling of the dynamics under the solution-phase, physiological condition. Here we report our first study of the primary processes of drug function. In a series of experiments involving the drug (daunomycin and adriamycin) in water, the drug-DNA complexes, the complexes with the four nucleotides (dGTP, dATP, dCTP, and dTTP), and the drug-apo riboflavin-binding protein, we show the direct involvement of molecular oxygen and DNA base-drug chargeseparation-the rates for the reduction of the drug and dioxygen indicate the crucial role of drug/base/O2 in the efficient and catalytic redox cycling. These dynamical steps, and the subsequent reactions of the superoxide product(s), can account for the photoenhanced function of the drug in cells, and potentially for the cell death. D rug molecules that target a particular DNA sequence have shown selectivity to inhibit or modulate gene expression and are valuable for a variety of chemotherapeutic strategies (1, 2). Daunomycin (DM), one of the anthracycline antibiotics, is among the most effective drugs for cancer chemotherapy. Previous studies of single-crystal molecular structures (3, 4) and solution-phase binding thermodynamics and kinetics (5, 6) have demonstrated that DM molecules have preference for the GC bases of DNA and intercalate into GC base pairs (Fig. 1). It is also known that the cytotoxicity of DM is enhanced by photoactivation (7,8). The understanding of the recognition process and drug action requires not only the important information about static molecular structures, but also knowledge of the elementary steps of dynamics. For a rational design of reactivity (9), unraveling the dynamics under physiological conditions of hydration and oxygenation is essential to the function.In this contribution, we report direct observation of the primary processes involved in DM and adriamycin (AM) drug action. It is found that the selective recognition of GC enhances charge separation with the net transfer of electron to the drug. Furthermore, we observe a striking effect of dioxygen on the drug-dGTP nucleotide in water-the presence of O 2 depletes the drug radical population, leading to the formation of superoxide anion radicals (see below), whereas its absence leads to charge recombination to reform the initial state. Because these reactions were found to be ultrafast in nature, all subsequent reactions involving dioxygen occur as a result of charge separation. These processes can account for the photoenhancement of the drug action in cells, cytotoxicity, and potentially as precursors for the cell death. We discuss the relationship of this effect of enhanced cell damage to the less efficient thermal reaction involving a similar transition state. We also report resul...