Tungsten is a redox-sensitive transition element of strategic importance for many industrial applications. The functionalities of tungsten-based materials are highly dependent on W atomic structure and oxidation state (0, IV and VI), and the same applies to the toxicity of tungsten compounds. However, assessing tungsten speciation and structural changes in complex materials and environmental matrices, poses significant challenges necessitating highly sensitive analysis as well as in situ monitoring at short timescale. We demonstrated that the better energy resolution in HERFD-XAS (energy bandwidth between 1.2 to 1.5 eV) at the L3edge with 𝐿 !" and 𝐿 #$ emission lines would allow the separation, characterization and quantification of subtle changes in the XAS spectrum associated with specific electronic transitions in W(0), W(IV) and W(VI). Moreover, HERFD-XAS combined with a microfluidic chip proved suitable for in situ monitoring of changes in W redox states with second-scale temporal resolution. We pointed out that such an experimental setup would be particularly useful for providing direct insight into the rapid changes in W speciation that would occur under oxidizing environmental conditions.