Can. J. Chem. 61, 171 (1983). In aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions at 25OC, 3-methyl-2-butenal, I c , undergoes retroaldol cleavage to acetone and acetaldehyde. The kinetics of thc rctroaldol reaction wcrc followed spectrophotometrically at 242 nm and showed simple first order behavior. When 3-methyl-3-hydroxybutanal, 2c, was added to aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions at X°C, there was an initial increase in absorbance at 242 nm, attributed to formation of l c , followed by a 20-fold slower dccrcase; the rate of the slow decrease matches the rate of disappearance of l c under the same conditions. Analysis of the kinetics allows determination of the three rate constants needed to describe the system: kl,,, = 0.00342; kdchy,, = 0.00832; k,,,, = 0.0564; all M-' s-I. The equilibrium constant for enone hydration is 0.41. Rate constants for the analogous reactions for acrolein and crotonaldehyde could be obtained from the literature. There is a reasonable rate-equilibrium correlation for the retroaldol step. For the enone hydration step, rate and equilibrium constants respond differently to replacement of hydrogen by methyl. It is proposed that this results from release of strain after the rate-determining step by rotation about a single bond; this decrease in strain is reflected in the equilibrium constant but not in the rate constant.J. PETER GUTHRIE et BRIAN A. DAWSON. Can. J. Chem. 61, 171 (1983). Le methyl-3 buttnal-2 ( l c ) , dans des solutions aqueuses d'hydroxyde de sodium a 25"C, subit un clivage rCtroaldolique conduisant a I'acttone et I'acCtaldChyde. On a suivi spectrophomCtriquement a 242 nm la cinCtique de cette rtaction simple d'ordre un. Lorsqu'on ajoute du mCthyl-3 hydroxy-3 butanal (2c) des solutions aqucuses d'hydroxyde de sodium 5 25"C, il y a une augmentation initiale de I'absorption 2 242 nm que I'on attribue la formation du compost I c suivie d'une diminution qui est 20 fois plus lente; le taux de la faible diminution correspond au taux de disparition du produit l c dans ces rn&mes conditions. L'analyse des donnCes cinttiques permet de dtterminer les trois constantes de vitesse necessaires a la description Introduction We have reported a study (1) of the equilibrium constants for aldol condensation reactions. It seemed highly desirable to look for rate-equilibrium correlations for these synthetically important reactions, particularly since equilibrium constants were now available. However, there have been comparatively few kinetics investigations of aldol reactions. This is in large measure due to the great potential for complexity for most aldol reactions, with various modes of reaction, competing equilibria, and polymerization leading to hopelessly complicated mixtures. We have shown that much of this complexity can be avoided by studying the retroaldol reaction at low concentrations, in a study of the reaction of crotonaldehyde in dilute aqueous base (2). We now wish to report a study of a closely related compound with one additional carbon methyl group, namely 3-methyl-2-butenal, l c . Th...