A method is described for isolating an enterotoxin from a coatless spore mutant (8-6) of Clostridium perfringens type A. The characteristics of this enterotoxin only slightly resembled those of previously isolated enterotoxins of C. perfringens. The type A (8-6) enterotoxin was found to be composed of two subunits of M , 18000 with isoelectric points of 3.8 and 4.3. The LD5,, for mice was 39 pg/kg with 0.10 pg corresponding to one erythemal unit. The type A (8-6) enterotoxin was inactivated by heating for 10 min at 60°C. The amino acid composition data of type A (8-6) and delta toxins was similar, but type A (8-6) and type A enterotoxins showed less similarity. This lack of similarity between type A and type A (8-6) enterotoxins was confirmed by the failure of anti-sera to type A enterotoxin to neutralize the type A (8-6) enterotoxin, in both the mouse and erythemal tests.Certain strains of Clostridium perfringens type A produce an enterotoxin that is linked to a major cause of mild food poisoning in humans [l]. The enterotoxin is a sporulationspecific gene product, whose production is correlated with late stage I1 to stage I11 of sporulation [2 -51. Several lines of evidence indicate that enterotoxin is possibly excess spore coat protein not incorporated as a structural component of the spore coat, and released from the sporangia only on lysis [6].While a large amount of data is available on the mode of action of enterotoxin [7-91 and more recently on a binding protein [lo] and membrane receptors [ll], information on structure and composition is still subject to some conjecture.The type A enterotoxin isolated by Granum and Skjelkvale [12] is a single polypeptide chain of M , 34000, however, although this molecule has now been fully sequenced [ 13 -151, the question still arises, whether this is the only enterotoxin produced by C. perfringens type A. This concern stems from some unresolved discrepancies in the literature as to the number of subunits, the M , of these subunits, their behaviour under SDS gel electrophoresis and some slight variation in amino acid composition of the enterotoxin when produced under different conditions [16 -231.In our studies on the development of spore heat resistance we have used a strain of C. perfringens type A [24] which produces a spore without a coat, although it produces coat protein(s) and heat-stable spores. Our rationale for this study was that if enterotoxin production is linked to coat protein synthesis, a coatless spore may provide enterotoxin in larger quantities than would normally be obtainable from coated spores. In this paper we report the isolation and characterization of a different enterotoxin from the coatless mutant of C. perfringens type A designated 8-6.Correspondence to J. A. Lindsay, CSIRO Division of Food Research, P. 0. Box 52, North Ryde, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 21 13Abbreviations. i.p., intraperitoneally ; buffer A, 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 6.7; SDS, sodium dodecyl sulphate; PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; HPLC, high performanc...