Crystals, m.p. 379-381 K, formed by slow cooling of a 2,2,4-trimethylpentane solution; a clear, colorless crystal with dimensions 0.08 x 0.25 x 0.42 mm was used for the data collection on an Enraf-Nonius CAD-4 diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation and a graphite monochromator. Cell dimensions were determined from setting angles of 25 reflections having 25 < 0 < 30 °. The o.r--20 scans were designed for I = 25tr(/), subject to max. scan time = 90 s, scan rates varied from 0.57-3.30 ° min-1. One octant of data having 2 < 0 < 75 °, 0 ___ h _< 8, 0 _< k < 9, 0 ___ 1 _< 40 was measured and corrected for background, Lorentz, and polarization. Absorption corrections were based on ~ scans; the min. relative transmission coefficient was 0.844. Three standard reflections (200, 020, 006) showed only a random fluctuation in intensity so no correction for decay was applied.