Voltage fluctuation and power mismatch which are caused by the decentralization, randomness, and intermittence of distributed energy resource along with load variability cause severe impacts on the security and quality of power network operation. Aiming at alleviating this issue, the structure of an AC/DC hybrid microgrid based on solid-state transformer is presented in this paper. A proper control coordination is developed to guarantee stable and reliable operation of the system. An energy management strategy is proposed to coordinate the power flow among the solid-state transformer, AC microgrid, DC microgrid and energy storage and to effectively suppress the fluctuation of the DC bus voltage. A novel adaptive droop control for the energy storage is proposed to prolong the supercapacitor life and achieve an optimum economic benefit to consumers. The droop coefficient is obtained by fuzzy logic controller of which the state of charge of the supercapacitor and unit-time electricity charge are assumed to be the input parameters. Simulation attest the feasibility of the proposed control coordination and energy management strategy.INDEX TERMS AC/DC hybrid microgrid, energy management strategy, energy storage, droop control, solid-state transformer.