Rainfall fluctuation is directly affected by the Earth’s climate change. It can be described using the coefficient of variation (CV). Similarly, the ratio of CVs can be used to compare the rainfall variation between two regions. The ratio of CVs has been widely used in statistical inference in a number of applications. Meanwhile, the confidence interval constructed with this statistic is also of interest. In this paper, confidence intervals for the ratio of two independent CVs of lognormal distributions with excess zeros using the fiducial generalized confidence interval (FGCI), Bayesian methods based on the left-invariant Jeffreys, Jeffreys rule, and uniform priors, and the Wald and Fieller log-likelihood methods are proposed. The results of a simulation study reveal that the highest posterior density (HPD) Bayesian using the Jeffreys rule prior method performed the best in terms of the coverage probability and the average length for almost all cases of small sample size and a large sample size together with a large variance and a small proportion of non-zero values. The performance of the statistic is demonstrated on two rainfall datasets from the central and southern regions in Thailand.