“…(1) where On the other hand, for Qk ordering, that is, Á = QkAQk , c = Qk^Qk and x ( n`) = Qkx(m) in (1) where we have e ( n`) _ [e ( "`) ] = x ( ') -x = 0 for m >_ max(k, n -k + 1), and we also have t-) ej =0,j=1,2,...,mforl<m<k-landj=n-m+l,n-m+2,...,n for 1<m<n-k. Proof. For Pk-ordering, A = UkLk, 2 < k < n -1 is UL factorization of A in [13], and we have For Case I l ), M R-'L R such that …”