No-insulation (NI) superconducting REBCO magnets have advantages of self-quenchprotection, a very high engineering current density and high mechanical strength, and the potential to reach very high magnetic fields. However, NI REBCO magnets have drawbacks of a long magnet charging time and high field ramp losses. These can be mitigated by controlling the turn-to-turn contact resistivity (R c ). In an effort to control R c , we consider two approaches. One is coating a REBCO conductor with various resistive thin films, and the other is to use a stainless steel (SS) tape as an interlayer which is also coated with different metallic films. We present experimental results of R c of an as-received sample under cyclic contact pressure of 2.5-25 MPa up to 30 000 cycles. After an initial increase in R c for the first 10-20 cycles, R c decreases to about one tenth of its initial value after a few hundred cycles. A warm-up and cool-down thermal cycle does not significantly change the low R c resulting from a previously high number of load cycles. We also studied R c of REBCO tapes that are coated with different resistive layers and interlayers. In order to increase R c , we experimented with electro-and electroless plating of Ni, Cr, and Ni-P. We also measured R c with a thin metallic interlayer as a coil co-winding material which included Cu, SS, and SS plated with Ni and Cu. A SS interlayer increases R c by about three orders of magnitude; while the Cu plated SS interlayer only increases R c by one order of magnitude. Finally, we treated the as-received REBCO surface by oxidation using an Ebonol® C solution. This controlled oxidation allowed the R c to be controlled over a wide range.