Regressions have been continuously received great attention. However, there are still open issues in regression, and two of the issues is regression with multicollinearity and outlier. Regularization (Ridge, Lasso, and Elastic Net) techniques implement a means to control regression coefficients. The methods can decrease the variance and reduce our sample error for tackle multicollinearity. In robust regression, it is a form of regression method designed to overcome outliers. Robust regression is an important method for analyzing data that are infected with outliers. The data have been interacted on the second order interaction. The data contained 435 different independent interaction variables. The primary focus of this paper is to analyze and compare the impact of three different variable selection techniques regularization regression algorithms for the data seaweed drying. After that, it will be analyzed through robust regression (Tukey Bi-Square, Hampel, and Huber). As the result, the Lasso-Hampel was better than others with the MAE (4.09641), RMSE (5.275992), MAPE (7.9962), SSE (182491.2), R-square (0.6514791), and R-square Adjusted (0.649279). The method of Lasso-Hampel is able to be relied on investigation of the accuracy in big data obtained from regularization and robust regression.