Li-ion batteries have driven the technological evolution of portable electronics, automotive, and stationarya pplications over the past decades.[1] However, the poor low-temperature performance of Li-ion batteries impedes their specific applications, such as fora erospace, defense, and transportation systems.[2] When operating at reduced temperatures, especially below 0 8C, the kinetic performance of the employed materials, governed by the intrinsic transport property for electrons and Li ions, becomes ac ritical factor determining the deliverable capacity.[3] Classic Li-ion battery cathode materials suffer from substantial capacity loss, [4] severe voltage hysteresis, [5] and change in voltage profiles.[6] As reported, from 25 to 0 8C, ac ommercialL iFePO 4 -based cell has ac apacity retention of only 42 %. [7] The sluggish kinetics of Li + transport and the reduced electronic conductivity in the solid LiFePO 4 phase at low temperatures leads to the voltage profiles evolving from ap lateau-like to sloping regime.[8] For layered Ni-Mn-Co oxides, [9] ad ischarge voltage downshift of 0.5 Vh as been observed when reducing the temperature from 25 to À20 8C. [6] In addition, the performance deteriorationo fa node materials and the appliede lectrolytes at low temperatures contributet ot he poor overall battery performance. [2,10] At sub-ambient temperatures, Li platingt ends to occur at the graphite anode,o wing to the reduced Li + intercalation into graphite.[11] At temperatures below À10 8C, the ionic mobility in the electrolyte solution and conductivity of the conventional binary carbonate electrolyte fall rapidly.[12] The optimization of the electrolyte formulations for different electrode materials at low temperatures still remains to be solved. Nevertheless, exploring new cathodem aterials with well-retaineds pecific energiesa tr educed temperatures is am ore decisive step towards broad applications of Li-ion batteries.We have recentlyr eportedt hat an ew cathode material, Li 2 VO 2 F, with ad isordered rock-salt structure can deliver ah igh initial intercalation capacity when cycling at al ow current rate.[13] However,L i 2 VO 2 Fs uffers from capacity fading whilst cycling. It has been found that the poor cycling performance of Li 2 VO 2 Fc an be improved by substituting Cr forVi nt his system.[14] Moreover,t he cyclability of the mixed V/Cr oxyfluorides depends on the applied chargecutoff voltages and operation temperature. Af acile Li + chemical diffusion in such ac lass of materials favors the kinetic properties.[15] Herein,w ee xplore the composition-dependent, low-temperature properties of the oxyfluorides and examine the structural features responsible for the cycling performance.The low-temperature rate capabilities of Li 2 VO 2 F, Li 2 CrO 2 F, and Li 2 Cr 0.2 V 0.8 O 2 Fw ere first evaluated at À10 8Ca tv arious current densities from 26 to 1050 mA g À1 ,a nd then back again at 26 mA g À1 (Figures 1a-c