In the traditional slow feature analysis (SFA), the expansion of polynomial basis function lacks the support of visual computing theories for primates, and cannot learn the uniform, continuous long short-term features through selective visual mechanism. To solve the defects, this paper designs and implements a slow feature algorithm coupling visual selectivity and multiple long short-term memory networks (LSTMs). Inspired by the visual invariance theory of natural images, this paper replaces the principal component analysis (PCA) of traditional SFA algorithm with myTICA (TICA: topologically independent component analysis) to extract image invariant Gabor basis functions, and initialize the space and series of basis functions. In view of the ability of the LSTM to learn long and short-term features, four LSTM algorithms were constructed to separately predict the long and short-term visual selectivity features of Gabor basis functions from the basis function series, and combine the functions into a new basis function, thereby solving the defect of polynomial prediction algorithms. In addition, a Lipschitz consistency condition was designed, and used to develop an approximate orthogonal pruning technique, which optimizes the prediction basis functions, and constructs a hyper-complete space for the basis function. The performance of our algorithm was evaluated by three metrics and mySFA’s classification method. The experimental results show that our algorithm achieved a good prediction effect on INRIA Holidays dataset, and outshined SFA, graph-based SFA (SFA), TICA, and myTICA in accuracy and feasibility; when the threshold was 6, the recognition rate of our algorithm was 99.98%, and the false accept rate (FAR) and false reject rate (FRR) were both smaller than 0.02%, indicating the strong classification ability of our approach.