Information security films that can ensure personal privacy by reducing the viewing angle of display screens were fabricated by microlouver patterning and a ZnO nano-ink filling process. Optical simulation results demonstrated that all the microlouver films showed good security performances. Security performances were evaluated as calculated relative luminance ratios compared between the side and front. Based on the simulation results, microlouver films were fabricated by UV imprint lithography and nano-ink bar coating. However, distortion of the microlouver pattern occurred with the use of high-viscosity nano-inks such as ZrO 2 and TiO 2 , and the CuO-filled microlouver film suffered from very low optical transmittance. Accordingly, the effects of ZnO filling height on security performance were intensively investigated through simulation and experimental measurements. The fabricated microlouver film with a 75-µm-high ZnO filling exhibited a good relative luminance ratio of 0.75 at a 60° side angle and a transmittance of 44% at a wavelength of 550 nm.