By use of an infrared-ray vacuum furnace, effect of CaO particle size on melting behavior of lime-containing flux is studied in the present work. Two kinds of CaO particles of the average diameters of 10 mm and 75 mm are used. Four kinds of lime-containing fluxes are employed, which are CaO-SiO 2 , CaO-FeO, CaO-SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 as ironmaking slag and CaO-SiO 2 -FeO as steelmaking slag.The relationships of reaction products, heating temperature and holding time are obtained for the fluxes of CaO-SiO 2 and CaO-FeO under the present experimental conditions. As for the flux melting, decreasing the lime particle size can shorten the holding time, but can not decrease the heating temperature. In the melting process of CaO-SiO 2 , a layer of 2CaO · SiO 2 is observed on the periphery of CaO particle, which tends to inhibit the melting of CaO particles. Decreasing the CaO particle size can also effectively promote the dissolution of CaO particles into both kinds of slag of CaO-SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 and CaO-SiO 2 -FeO.KEY WORDS: lime-containing flux; melting; dissolution of lime; slag formation; particle size of lime.MnO x , FeO x , and TiO 2 into Al 2 O 3 -CaO-SiO 2 slag increased the dissolution rate of lime into slag, while addition of SiO 2 had an opposite effect. 15) In the present work, by use of infrared-ray vacuum furnace, effect of lime particle size on melting behavior of lime-containing flux is studied. Four kinds of fluxes are employed, which are CaO-SiO 2 , CaO-FeO, CaO-SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 as ironmaking slag and CaO-SiO 2 -FeO as steelmaking slag. The used two different sizes of CaO particles have the average diameters of 10 and 75 mm. For the different kinds of fluxes, the relationships of reaction products, heating temperature and holding time are obtained from analysis results of XRD patterns. The status of flux melting is observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and is analyzed with an energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Figure 1 shows the morphologies of all kinds of materials before formation of pellets. Calcium oxide particles of the small size, which were the commercial reagent packed with Ar gas, were relatively uniform in diameter, having the average diameter of 10 mm with the purity of 99.9 %. Calcium oxide particles of the large size were prepared as rapidly as possible by crushing the calcium oxide blocks of the commercial reagent and being sieved with sieve pores of 50 mm and 100 mm, having the average diameter of 75 mm and the purity of 99.9 %. Silicon oxide powders were very fine in size with the average diameter of only 2.0 mm. ahematite powders had greatly varied diameters and irregular shapes, having the average diameter of 15 mm and purity of 99.5 %. The diameters of aluminium oxide powders were varied, ranging from 20 to 80 mm. The aluminum oxide particles were usually in clusters formed by many fine aluminum oxide powders and the aluminum oxide powders had the purity of 99.9 %.
Experimental Apparatus and ProceduresSlag 1 of CaO-SiO 2 -Al 2 O 3 was produced by melting the mixture of CaO,...