The salvation of human life is the goal of work for all rescue units. At the same time, a significant part of rescue operations is carried out in buildings or premises, which themselves are often in a state of destruction or are emergency ones. This paper aims to find how it is possible to carry out rescue operations in the face of the threat of constant collapse of the building.
To study the collapse hazard of the building, the information systems are used that display the process of rescue measures in case of a threat of deformation of the building in which there is a risk of burnback or destruction.
The findings show that the analysis of destruction parameters online allows using infrared sensors to form a picture of the allocation of places where people can be and thus saves lives while reducing the risk for the fire and rescue unit. To implement the presented format, it is proposed to use infrared sensors.
The use of infrared sensors allows online interaction with foci of dangerous situations and identifies the main aspects of the stratification of the preparation of the fire and rescue unit’s activities in conditions of increased danger.