Few studies of lymphatic vessels have been reported because diacrisis of this vascular system is rare. A complete examination of diacrisis of venula is not yet possible even using recent enzyme-histochemical or immunohistochemical techniques. In this study, we examined a lymphatic vessel by serial sectioning from the afferent lymphatic of the lymph node to the periphery by three-dimensional observation using a three-dimensional reconstitution method. This method was conventional and accurate, and the time required for processing was markedly reduced by using a computer. Reconstitution of the vasculature became possible utilizing the entire section instead of a portion of a parenchymatous organ. We examined the lymphatic vessel architecture of various oral regions, including gingiva, tongue, and the floor of the mouth, using this method. In the future, using this method, we plan to investigate the alteration of lymphatic vessel architecture in a pathological region, and correlate these changes with the dynamics of lymphatic vessel absorption.