Successful and timely completion of the Highly Enriched Uranium Blend Down Project requires an aggressive processing schedule. One of the requirements for meeting the schedule is the use of on-line instrumentation to eliminate the delays associated with the analysis of samples extracted from process tanks. The Analytical Development Section of the Savannah River Technology Center has developed on-line spectrophotometers to measure uranium and nitric acid concentrations in tanks in H Canyon. Development areas addressed in this report include air-lift samplers, instrument control and analysis software, and diode array spectrophotometers. A total of nine tanks will be analyzed using two spectrophotometers. The acquired spectra are interpreted using partial leastsquares models which are valid for solutions with uranium concentrations up to 11 g/L and nitrate concentrations as high as 6 M. Concentration-dependent measurement uncertainities (2σ) are less than 0.30 g/L for uranium and 0.32 M for nitrate, and are comparable to the uncertainties of available diode array spectroscopy methods at the Analytical Laboratory (AL) facility. The models incorporate corrections for the spectral effects of Fe (<3 g/L) and Hg (<1 g/L), which are expected to be present in some process streams. Analyses with the on-line instrumentation can be performed in less than one minute, a large time savings compared to the many hours required for sampling, transport, and analysis of grab samples by AL. Other benefits of the on-line instrumentation include the reduction of radiological exposure to personnel and cost savings associated with fewer demands on AL and faster processing rates.
SUMMARYThis report describes the on-line instrumentation developed by the Analytical Development Section of Savannah River Technology Center (SRTC) in support of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Blend Down processing in H Canyon. The system provides measurements of uranium and nitrate concentrations for nine tanks located before and after the mixer-settler separation banks. An air-lift sampler/flow cell system attached to each tank provides access to the contents of each tank. Absorption spectra of the solutions are obtained with one of two diode-array spectrophotometers that are coupled to the flow cells by fiber optics. The spectra are analyzed using partial least-squares analysis models, and the results are reported to the H Canyon Distributed Control System. This instrument replaces a spectrophotometer system developed and installed in the late 1980's 1 which was eventually abandoned after a redefinition of the site's priorities. Recent development work at SRTC incorporated improvements to the samplers, spectrophotometers, control software, and analysis models. This report describes those technical improvements and serves as an operating, design, and performance guide for the system.
Measurement PrincipleThe basis of diode array spectroscopy as an analytical technique is the determination of the concentration-and wavelength-dependent li...