Microbial community structure and functions of rhizosphere soil of rice were investigated after applying low and high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer and Phomopsis liquidambari. Average well color development, substrate richness, catabolic diversity and soil enzymes activities varied after applying N-fertilizer and P. liquidambari and were greater in P. liquidambari treated soil than only N-fertilization. Multivariate analysis distinctly separated the catabolic and enzymes activity profile which statistically proved alteration of microbial functional diversity. Nitrogen fertilizer altered microbial community structure revealed by the increased content of total PLFAs, specific subgroup marker PLFAs except fungal PLFAs and by the decreased ratio of G
/G− , sat/monunsat, iso/anteiso, F/B except trans/cis while P. liquidambari inoculation enhanced N-fertilization effect except increased fungal PLFA and decreased trans/cis. PCA using identified marker PLFAs revealed definite discrimination among the treatments which further statistically confirmed structural changed of microbial community. Nitrogenase activity representative of N-fixing community decreased in N-fertilizer treatment while P. liquidambari inoculation increased. In short, application of P. liquidambari with low doses of N-fertilizer improved rice growth and reduced N-fertilizer requirement by increasing enzymes activities involved in C, N and P cycling, structural and functional diversity of microbes, nitrogenase activity involved in N 2 fixation and accumulation of total-N.Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the second largest crop in terms of planted area and yield in the world. The cultivation of rice gives rise to anoxic conditions in growing season but aerobic conditions during non-growing season 1 . Thus, composition and structure of microbial community in rice field are diverse and very complicated 2 . Agricultural management practices, particularly inputs of fertilizers and manure, tillage, cover crops, cropping system and season, soil pH and application of plant growth promoting bacteria or fungi have large impacts on the size and activity of soil microbial communities [3][4][5][6][7][8] . Nitrogen is the top most important macronutrients and limiting factor for plant growth and development 9 . Soils are routinely fertilized to overcome N-limitation and maximize crop yield. But, repeated fertilizer applications change soil physical, chemical and biological properties consequently directly or indirectly influence the growth and activity of certain group of microbes and adaptation ability of different groups of microbes varies with nutritional status 10,11 . The rhizosphere of plant itself is also a unique ecological niche and shapes the structure of microbial community by releasing specific substrates or by the specific physical, chemical and biotic environment created by the plant root in terms of O 2 , pH etc. 12,13 . Quality and quantity of root exudates depends on plant species, nutrient levels, biotic and abiotic stresses and colonization by PGP mi...