Lodging Resistance and Culm Strength of Japanese Wheat Cultivars are important factors for preventing the lodging of grain crops, including wheat (Pinthus 1973). In contrast to Pinthus (1973), who assumed root lodging was more critical, whereby he focused on the root system, Berry et al. ( 2004) examined culm strength in detail, and developed a wheat lodging model by clarifying the physical mechanism of lodging, including external factors such as wind speed and rainfall. Subsequently, they identified the ideal shape of the wheat plant for the highest resistance to lodging (Berry et al. 2007).In Japan, wheat lodging is categorized into three types: stem-breaking lodging, stem-bending lodging, and root lodging. Among these, stem-bending lodging is particularly common in wheat crops in Japan. Thus, to date, the Japanese breeding of wheat varieties has focused on the production of short-culm varieties for improving lodging resistance; however, presumably, not only culm length but also culm strength, affected lodging resistance in Japanese wheat. Oda et al. (1966) investigated JARQ 56 (4), 303-311 (2022 https://www.jircas.go.jp