Hyperspectral image technology in land classification is a distinct advantage compared to ordinary RGB and multispectral images. This technology has a wide spectrum of electromagnetic waves, which can be more detailed than other types of imagery. Therefore, with its hyperspectral advantages, the characteristics of an object should have a high probability of being recognized and distinguished. However, because of the large data, it becomes a challenge to lighten the computational burden. Hyperspectral has a huge phenomenon that makes computations heavy compared to other types of images because this image is 3D. The problem faced in hyperspectral image classification is the high computational load, especially if the spatial resolution of the image also has mixed pixel problems. This research uses EO-1 satellite imagery with a spatial resolution of 30 meters and a mixed pixel problem. This study uses a classification method to lighten the computational burden and simultaneously increase the value of classification accuracy. The method used is satellite image pre-processing, including geometric correction and image enhancement using FLAASH while the corrections are geometric correction and atmospheric correction. Then to lighten the computational burden, the steps carried out are using the Slab and PCA method. After obtaining the characteristics, they are entered into a guided learning model using a support vector machine (SVM) for the five-class or multiclass classification. Moreover, the imbalance learning method is proven to produce increased accuracy. The best results were achieved by the ADASYN method with an accuracy of 96.58%, while the computational time became faster with the feature extraction method.