The second half of the twentieth century has seen a revolution in the Earth and planetary sciences. One radically new concept is that hypervelocity impact is a major process at work in the solar system. Only in the last few decades has it become fully accepted that the Earth, the other terrestrial planets, the Moon, the icy satellites, and the asteroids all have surfaces that are heavily modifi ed by a history of impact. Such modifi cation is evident from the cratered surfaces of these solar system objects, the micro structures of many meteorites, and the properties of the lunar regolith, all of which show evidence of repeated exposure to impacts and resulting shock waves.Along with the appreciation of the importance of impact as a surface process, accretionary models for planetary formation have been advanced and accepted. For example, it is now clear that shock heating was a primary contributor to thc thermal state of planets as they grew. In the last decade, hypotheses have been embraced that require impacts of various sizes to explain events ranging from the origin of the Moon to the Cre taceous-Tertiary mass extinction to the ejection of rocks (thc SNC meteor ites) from the surface of Mars. Serious hypotheses have included impact as the cause of phenomena as varied as periodic biologic extinctions and magnetic pole reversals.
BOSLOUGHIn light of this newly realized importance of impact, an assessment is in order of the chemical role that impact-induced shock waves have played. A historic event, the Tunguska meteor, which involved shock compression of the atmosphere of the Earth, serves as a dramatic example. When shock waves generated by lightning or a nuclear explosion interact with the atmosphere, they can cause a reaction between molecular oxygen and nitrogen to form nitric oxide. Such shock-induced gas-phase reactions can also result from the penetration of the atmosphere by a meteoroid. As much as 3 x 1010 kg of nitric oxide were produced by the shock wave from the Tunguska meteor, which devastated a large area of forest when it exploded over Siberia in 19 08 (Turco et al 19 82). Soon afterward, the surrounding forest experienced unprecedented rates of growth. The trees had probably been fertilized by nitrogen compounds that had formed subsequent to the event by reactions between the shock-generated nitric oxide and atmospheric oxygen (Melosh 19 89). A similar sequence of shock induced reactions has been suggested for generating large quantities of nitric and other acids, destroying life at the end of the Cretaceous era (Lewis et aI 1982), and Fegley et al (1 986) have proposed that atmospheric shock synthesis generated important precursors for the abiotic production of the fi rst complex organic molecules.Shock effects in solids are probably of even greater concern. It is now known that essentially all of the solid material in the solar system has, at some time during its history, been subjected to shock processing. From the rapidly growing body of research on shock waves in ...