The effects of temperature and material deposit on workpiece material removal spatial uniformity during optical pad polishing are described. Round and square‐fused silica workpieces (25–265 mm in size) were polished on a polyurethane pad using ceria slurry under various conditions. Using a nonrotated workpiece on a rotating lap, elevated temperatures (as measured by IR imaging), due to frictional heating at the workpiece–lap interface, were observed having a largely radial symmetric profile (relative to the lap center) on both the workpiece and lap with a peak temperature corresponding to the workpiece center. A 3D steady‐state thermal model of the polishing process, which accounts for the frictional heating and effective heat transfer from various surfaces, quantitatively describes the observed thermal profiles. The temperature spatial uniformity, which affects the material removal spatial uniformity, can be significantly improved using a rotated workpiece and a specially designed compensating septum during polishing. Next, using a rotating workpiece and lap, the workpiece surface develops two types of mid‐range structure: (1) fine ripples (sub‐mm scale length) that run circumferentially with respect to the lap, which have been attributed to microscopic islands of slurry on the lap leading to radial material removal nonuniformities; and (2) a center depression (cm scale length) which has been attributed to nonlinear slurry & glass products buildup at a specific radial lap location. A polishing simulator model (called Surface Figure or SurF), which accounts for workpiece wear, pad wear, and now deposition on the pad, correctly simulates the preferential material deposit on the pad and the center depression structure developed on the workpiece. Strategies, such as time averaging through kinematics and diamond conditioning, for preventing both these nonuniformities are demonstrated.