Abstract.A sampling of equids from the state of Oklahoma produced an estimate of seroprevalence of antibody to Sarcocystis neurona to be about 89.2%. This figure represents the highest currently reported regional seroprevalence of antibody to this organism. Regional differences in seroprevalence were found in the western quadrants of the state relative to the eastern quadrants of the state, with a significantly higher seroprevalence in the eastern regions. Thoroughbreds were found to exhibit a statistically significant lower seroprevalence as a breed group when compared with other breeds sampled.Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a disease that affects the central nervous system of the horse. The disease and its clinical presentation have been reviewed elsewhere. 4,7,8 In brief, the presenting clinical signs are variable but are related to central nervous system dysfunction that occurs in relation to infection and inflammation associated with a protozoal organism. Despite the fact that more than 1 type of protozoan has been associated with this disease, to date the most commonly associated protozoan is Sarcocystis neurona.Seroprevalence studies have been conducted in northern Colorado, Michigan, Ohio, Oregon, and southeastern Pennsylvania to estimate the rate of exposure of horses to S. neurona, relative to the geography of the USA. These reports have estimated overall statewide seroprevalences of 33.6%, 60%, 53.6%, 45%, and 45.3%, respectively. 2,3,10,12,13 To date, there are no published data pertaining to the seroprevalence of antibodies against S. neurona in the south-central USA.The purpose of this investigation was to estimate the seroprevalence of this antibody in the state of Oklahoma and to evaluate for relationships between seroprevalence and geographic location within the state and signalment of the test animals.Immunoblot analysis for anti-S. neurona antibody was performed as previously described 6 analysis by a commercial laboratory that offers immunoblot analysis for both serum and cerebrospinal fluid. a Data were recorded for each sample regarding county from which the sample was submitted, age of the horse, breed of the horse, and sex of the horse. Reactivity for proteins with relative mobilities of 14.5, 13, and 7 kD were considered positive indicators of exposure to S. neurona. Weak positive and low positive reactivities were regarded as positive because any reactivity indicates exposure to the organism. The overall seroprevalence was estimated from the results of the immunoblot analysis of 798 samples submitted. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the relationship of seroprevalence to age, breed, sex, and geographic quadrant within the state of Oklahoma. A computerized statistics program was used for all statistical calculations. b On the basis of 798 samples of equids and a 95% confidence interval, the overall statewide seroprevalence is estimated to be 89.2% Ϯ 2.1% (712/798). There were 792 samples for which geographic data regarding the origin of the sample were avai...