This paper presents a novel home emergency management system (HEMS) for managing home emergency situations. The proposed solution is a generic and based on normalized technologies. First, we have identified a set of requirements that a robust HEMS should satisfy (interoperability, security, mobility, etc). Then, we have opted for an extended finite-state machine to detect and manage emergency situations. We also adopted WebRTC to enable communication in an interoperable manner. For securing our HEMS, we have used HTTPS, password, contextual role-based access control, and we have finally installed all the public servers into a protected area. The result obtained from the test-bed demonstrates that the proposed HEMS fills all the listed requirements. Furthermore, it gives very interesting results in terms of round-trip delay time and scalability.
KEYWORDScontextual role-based access control, extended finite-state machine, home emergency management system, remote patient monitoring, smart home security and privacy, web real-time communication Softw Pract Exper. 2018;48:761-774.