I. THE ABNORMAL PLANTTOGETHER with a fertile crop of onions raised at Benares, one plant was seen to set no seed in the glasshouse. The bulb was split and all the sets flowered in England. Their anthers, however, never burst. When ripe they turned green instead of yellow. Sections cut by the freezing microtome showed much chlorophyll in the anther wall. Within the anther the pollen grains dried up and died after their first mitosis. The development of the embryo sac was normal. With foreign pollen, moreover, the plants set seed which germinated well.Thus the sterility of our plant, or clone as it now is, is due to failure of the pollen to develop to maturity. This decisive and total disability is preceded, however, by certain small and sporadic errors much earlier in the development of the pollen-forming tissue. From a study of these errors there came to light an instructive group or syndrome of defects whose origin we have attempted to trace.
METHODSAnthers and root tips were fixed in fresh acetic-alcohol (i 3) for ten minutes and stored overnight in 95 per cent, alcohol before staining by the Feulgen method (La Cour, 1947). Equally good results were also obtained by fixing anthers overnight in acetic-alcohol with a trace of ferric chloride followed by staining in weak acetocarmine (P. T. Thomas, unpub.).For studying their development the ovules and anthers were fixed in La Cour's 2 BE after a short treatment with Carnoy's fluid. The material was embedded and sections cut at 10-14 were stained by the Feulgen method. Light green was used as a counterstain for the cytoplasm and the cell walls.
MEIOSIS IN THE ANTHERSThe chromosome complement as seen in the root tips consists as normally in A ilium ascalonicum of eight pairs of chromosomes of which two pairs-one longer than the other-had median and the rest sub-median centromeres. The latter class included a satellited pair carrying the nucleolar organiser (plate, fig. i).In the anthers of most of the flowers from different inflorescences meiosis is regular. In the remainder, about one-third, up to 20 per cent, of the pollen mother cells in every anther show a group of meiotic abnormalities including asynapsis.