“…-Use of unstructured grids (automatic grid generation and mesh refinement); -Finite element discretization of space; -Separate flow modules for compressible and incompressible flows; -Edge-based data structures for speed; -Optimal data structures for different architectures; -Bottom-up coding from the subroutine level to assure an open-ended, expandable architecture. The code has had a long history of relevant applications involving compressible flow simulations in the areas of transonic flow [81,82,83,84,63,85], store separation [7,10,12,14,15], blast-structure interaction [6,8,11,13,16], [66,72,94,105,97], incompressible flows [91,93,65,68,5,76], free-surface hydrodynamics [62,69,70], dispersion [22,23,67,24], patient-based haemodynamics [26,63,27,1,73] and aeroacoustics [57]. The code has been ported to vector [64], shared memory [61,96], distributed memory…”